How to choose the best varieties for pickling and pickling

How to choose the best varieties for pickling and pickling

Sauerkraut contains many vitamins. It is included in many dishes of Russian cuisine. For example, in vinaigrette, pies, pies, dumplings, etc.

Choosing cabbage

In Russia, cabbage is usually fermented. Red-headed is no worse than the first option, but it has a specific pungent aftertaste. When cooked, it is appetizing, crispy and juicy.

You can ferment the red and white varieties together. This dish contains more vitamins. It is better to take late varieties of cabbage for pickling. Below is a description of which sauerkraut varieties are ideal for cooking.

Late ripe cabbage

For different blanks, it is better to use late varieties. The most famous of them are:

  • Turkiz. It grows for about 110-120 days. It has a dense head of cabbage and does not crack. Before the arrival of cold weather, it is processed for fermentation.
  • Kharkov winter. The fermentation properties are preserved for up to six months. However, for fermentation, heads of cabbage are processed immediately after harvest. Cabbage gives a rich harvest, while having excellent taste. The variety is not afraid of either drought or frost.
  • Amager. This is the most optimal option for fermentation. Over time, the taste of the finished dish improves significantly. Such cabbage is stored for up to 6 months.
  • Geneva F1. Lies for a long time, almost until the next harvest. They ferment it before the onset of spring.
  • Valentine F1. The specified hybrid is perfectly preserved until the arrival of summer, it is not afraid of diseases. Perfect for the climate of Siberia.
  • Moscow late. Produces a good harvest. Crispy cabbage. One head of cabbage weighs from 7 to 15 kg.

Mid-season cabbage

For fermentation, the following varieties are usually used:

  • Belarusian. Such cabbage lays for a long time, is transported well. But the main disadvantage is that it is not inclined towards the heat. The foliage is dark green on the outside, and almost white on the inside.
  • Anniversary F1. Suitable for many workpieces weighing up to 4 kg.
  • Present. Has a waxy coating. Leaves are resilient. The taste of the dish remains unchanged for up to 5 months.
  • Glory-1305. It grows well and is the best option for fermentation, has crunchy properties. Heads of cabbage lie for a long period.
  • Salting miracle F1. The main advantage is the lack of the ability to crack, there is no predisposition to disease. Very juicy, tastes excellent.

If the heads of cabbage are fermented in whole or in halves, then more vitamins remain in them. Brine also contains many useful substances. It is drunk to get rid of hangover and is added to home cosmetics.

Storage secrets

The finished dish is stored at temperatures from 0 to + 5 ° C. If the temperature drops below these values, most of the beneficial properties are lost. First of all, this applies to vitamin C. Often, the product is sent to the refrigerator, basement or balcony. If these conditions are met, cabbage in barrels lasts no more than 8 months, and in glass jars – 2 weeks.

It is important to correctly approach the choice of heads of cabbage and ferment them correctly. During contact with oxygen, if vegetables are not completely covered with brine or the method of adding salt is incorrect, the fermented product may turn black.

The brine should completely cover the dish. Pour a small amount of sugar on top from time to time. After a while, vinegar will appear. It will protect the product from mold. To increase the storage period, add cranberries and lingonberries during cooking. For fermentation, varieties of medium or late terms are usually used. Vegetables should be free of stains and other imperfections. Choose white and dense cabbage.


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