Types of acetic acid and their use in daily life

Types of acetic acid and their use in daily life

Vinegar is widely used in everyday life, especially for culinary purposes. It can be obtained by diluting acetic acid in certain proportions.

Making vinegar from vinegar essence

The proportion of acetic acid contained in vinegar essence is 70-80%, and in table vinegar – 3-15%. It is possible to make ordinary vinegar from vinegar essence, subject to the necessary precautions, in a domestic environment. In addition, you can find out how to make 6% from 9% vinegar on uksusinfo. To make table vinegar suitable for use in everyday life by diluting the vinegar essence with chilled boiled water, you will need:

  • 70% vinegar essence;
  • boiled chilled water;
  • tablespoon;
  • glass container;
  • rubber gloves.

Making a weakly concentrated solution in a domestic environment from vinegar essence is not difficult. Even a housewife who is absolutely ignorant of chemistry can cope with the solution of this problem and obtain the required result. To prepare a 9% solution, you need to dilute the vinegar essence in water in a ratio of one to seven. A 6% solution is made by diluting one share of vinegar essence in eleven parts. In 3% vinegar, one part of the vinegar essence accounts for twenty parts of water.


Vinegar is an organic acid. Upon contact of this substance with the skin, there is a high probability of a mild chemical burn, especially when it comes to highly concentrated vinegar essence. In the latter case, the skin suffers so much that you have to call an ambulance. For this reason, do not keep a bottle of acetic acid where it is accessible to young children.

When diluting the vinegar essence with water, wear rubber gloves and ventilate the room. If undiluted vinegar essence comes into contact with the skin, wash it with soapy water or water and baking soda. In the event of a severe burn, you should consult a doctor. If vinegar gets on the mucous membrane or eyes, they should be rinsed with plenty of cold water. In case of a critical condition, you must immediately consult a doctor. Urgent medical attention is also required for vinegar food poisoning.

Industrial production of acetic acid

For the manufacture of acetic acid in an industrial environment, chemical and microbiological methods are used. In the first case, dry distillation of wood is carried out, in the second, the fermentation of alcohol-containing liquids is used. During fermentation, microorganisms Acetobacter aceti, producing acetic acid, proliferate in such liquids.

The main varieties of vinegar

There are many types of vinegar. Among them, the most common are the following varieties of vinegar:

  • natural;
  • synthetic;
  • apple.

The use of vinegar in cooking and everyday life

In cooking, vinegar is used in the preservation of various foods. With its help, meat, fish and vegetables are marinated. All kinds of sauces are made on the basis of vinegar, which are added to salads.

Vinegar can easily remove stains from clothes and kitchen utensils. In addition, vinegar is characterized by high disinfection properties, so it is used to disinfect various surfaces. Vinegar helps to soften clothes as they are washed. There are other uses for this substance as well. For example, vinegar is useful for treating muscles.


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