Why is cottage cheese useful and when is it better to eat?

Why is cottage cheese useful and when is it better to eat?

Most of us in matters of nutrition are accustomed to distinguish between “tasty” and “healthy”. Cottage cheese is a versatile fermented milk product that combines both of these qualities. He is loved by both adults and children, supporters of healthy lifestyle and notorious sweet tooth. In the article we will tell you everything about cottage cheese: useful properties, calorie content, chemical composition, when it is better to eat it.

The benefits of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a source of easily digestible protein and protein, which supplies the body with energy, is a building material for our muscles, tendons, tissues of internal organs. Protein strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolism, and improves digestion. These properties make the product especially useful for pregnant women, children, and men looking to build muscle.

It is worth noting that only a natural product made from high-quality raw materials has properties beneficial to the body. Cottage cheese with milk fat substitute is practically useless, but it causes significant harm due to the content of saturated fats.

Sernur cheese factory https://sernur.club/catalog/whole-milk/ makes cottage cheese from farm milk of cows. Especially for baby food, there is a hypoallergenic goat milk product on the site, as well as ultrafiltration cottage cheese with strawberries, banana, mango and other additives. The ultrafiltration method allows you to fully preserve the whey rich in calcium and proteins.

The calorie content of a product depends on its fat content:

  • 19-23% – 180-300 kcal per 100 grams;

  • 9-15% – 160-180 kcal per 100 grams;

  • 3-5% – 105-115 kcal per 100 grams;

  • fat-free – 70 kcal per 100 grams.

Low-fat varieties are often used for dietary nutrition – due to the low carbohydrate content, cottage cheese contributes to effective weight loss. However, it is rarely eaten in its pure form. Many add sour cream, honey, sugar, syrup or dried fruit to it. To calculate the exact calorie content of a finished meal, it is important to consider the amount of calories in the supplements.

In addition, the product contains many trace elements and vitamins:

  • calcium;

  • magnesium;

  • phosphorus;

  • iron;

  • tryptophan:

  • leucine;

  • casein;

  • biotin;

  • vitamins A, E, B2, B12, B6, PP, C.

Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are responsible for the strength of bones and teeth, support the work of the cardiovascular system. Iron delivers oxygen to human organs and tissues. B vitamins improve the skin, strengthen the nervous and endocrine systems. Tryptophan relieves anxiety, prevents insomnia and depression. Leucine normalizes metabolism, synthesizes hemoglobin.

When is the best time to eat cottage cheese?

Since cottage cheese is an easily digestible product, it can be eaten at any time of the day. However, there are several factors to consider:

  • To understand whether cottage cheese is healthy in the evening, you need to take into account its fat content. Fatty varieties overload the pancreas. But light or low-fat cottage cheese can be the perfect dinner: it satiates well, improves sleep thanks to tryptophan.

  • Cottage cheese is the perfect breakfast. And even fatty varieties will be useful in the morning. The product reduces the feeling of hunger for a long time, since it takes 4-6 hours to assimilate casein. After breakfast with cottage cheese, you will feel full and well-being until lunchtime.

  • It is useful for those who are losing weight to eat cottage cheese for dinner, 3-4 hours before bedtime. It speeds up metabolism, starts the process of burning calories during sleep due to high energy consumption for processing casein, and allows you to lose weight.

The only contraindication for cottage cheese is casein intolerance. The rest of the product is good for health, shape and beauty, and you can eat it both in the morning and in the evening.


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