Advantages and disadvantages of fartlek workout

Advantages and disadvantages of fartlek workout

Translated from Swedish, fartlek means “speed game”, and the term originated from the desire of one local coach to diversify the process of preparing runners for cross-country cross-country. Today, fartlek stands for the alternation of calm and fast intervals of running.

What is special about running?

The alternation of acceleration and slow running means that in fact a person does not stop during training, but constantly continues to move. At the same time, one should not forget that this is exactly an easy run, at a speed of no more than 5 km / h. At first, you should accelerate very carefully, and only after warm-up. Depending on how long the workout and its intervals are, fartlek is used for a variety of purposes.

For example, classes with short accelerations (20-30 seconds each) alternate with jogging, which lasts 1-2 minutes. This variety is used in order to develop speed skills in an athlete in cyclic sports.

If acceleration lasts from 1 to 3 minutes, and jogging lasts about a minute, this type develops speed or special endurance, and also increases the aerobic threshold. The workout is also used in order to increase the overall level of endurance – for this, the acceleration intervals can be changed each time (from 1 to 9 minutes after a minute of jogging).

The amount of repetitions in this sport and its results directly depend on the length of the entire distance and are determined by both the state of preparation and the training cycle. It should be remembered that the principle of such a sport is to run, and not to step on a step in “slow” intervals.

Pros and cons of training

Like any type of sports activity, Fartlek has undeniable advantages and some disadvantages. If we talk about the pros, then these are:

  • a psychologically comfortable type of running;
  • increasing psychological and physical stability;
  • fast burning of fat accumulations.

The main advantage of running is to increase the athlete’s endurance. Fartlek can also be used for weight loss, as interval jogging helps you burn fat faster than normal jogging.

Speaking of the disadvantages, it can be noted that this sport is not suitable for beginners in running, as well as for those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system and other ailments.

Running leads to a quick depletion of resources and requires maximum effort during its execution. Too intensive use of this method can result in trauma – in the first place, the joints can be affected. It is because of the severe depletion of resources that this variety is not practiced on the eve of the competition.

Features of the program

The program is conventionally divided into 3 stages: basic, transitional and final (advanced). The duration of each stage is up to several weeks. The first stage promotes the development of strong connective tissue, and also enhances metabolic processes with the participation of oxygen, reducing the risk of tissue damage. The second phase is designed to increase stamina, and the third is to hone your skills:

  1. The basic phase is best started in the fall by scheduling classes for each week. The workout does not have significant difficulties – during the run, you can take 1 or 2 jerks – you need to accelerate every 5-7 minutes for 1 minute.
  2. The transitional phase can begin after 10-15 weeks. At this time, skill increases and the load increases: the intervals become shorter and the speed is higher.
  3. The third stage is the opportunity to improve performance and physical endurance by controlling the strength of the jerks and creating entire anaerobic sessions.

Fartlek is a great way to improve your physical fitness, from the basic level to almost a marathon. With the right approach and correct execution, it can lead an athlete to new achievements.


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