what is it and why do you need it so much

what is it and why do you need it so much

A great gift for a friend or relative who is passionate about cooking, a culinary thermometer. For example, a meat thermometer is simply an indispensable kitchen appliance. Anyone who has purchased such a useful item simply cannot imagine how he managed to cook a decent dish without temperature control. Therefore, a meat thermometer must be present in any kitchen; there are other types of thermometers that are no less useful.

Let’s see what kind of culinary thermometers are, why and how they are used, in order to find out which one will be useful in your kitchen, for more details, see how to choose a thermometer for the oven at kitchen-smart.ru.

Meat thermometer

What functions does it perform?

Almost instantly and very accurately measures the internal temperature of a piece of meat being cooked.

How to work with him?

We immerse the long metal needle of the meat thermometer inside the piece, and on the dial or display, depending on which model, we see the numerical value. More accurate and faster results are given by electronic thermometers, which are superior in this respect to mechanical devices. Directly during the cooking process in the oven, you can measure the temperature with a thermometer that is not afraid of heat.

How is it useful?

Allows you to determine the degree of readiness of the meat. Each type of meat requires specific heat treatment conditions. For example, pork must be cooked until cooked through, so you need to make sure that the inside of the piece of meat is heated to the required temperature. At the same time, when cooking beef roast beef or steaks, the degree of frying of the butte will differ by a difference of several degrees. This is fundamental and requires precision. Even if you cook meat every few months, you cannot do without such a useful device.

Oven thermometer

What functions does it perform?

Measures the internal temperature of the oven.

How to work with him?

The thermometer is fixed in the oven, where it is constantly located, and you simply track the temperature on a scale as needed.

How is it useful?

Allows you to control the temperature in the oven. Let’s say you set the temperature on the oven sensor to 220 degrees, but there is no guarantee that this temperature will be reached in the oven. The thermometer allows you to track the true heating temperature. Now you will know exactly what the reason for your culinary failures is, why something is dry, but something is not baked, although the temperature sensor on the oven was set correctly. At the same time, check at which temperature indicators the oven is malfunctioning.

Refrigerator and freezer thermometer

What functions does it perform?

Measures the temperature in the refrigerator or freezer.

How to work with him?

The same as with an oven thermometer. Fits in the fridge or freezer and the metrics are tracked.

How is it useful?

If you have a last-generation refrigerator that works flawlessly, perhaps this type of culinary thermometer can be dispensed with. If the refrigeration equipment is not new, then such a device will definitely not be superfluous. It will help you to adjust the temperature regime so that the food does not defrost or, on the contrary, does not freeze, but remains fresh under ideal conditions.

Wine thermometer

What functions does it perform?

Measures the temperature of the wine.

How to work with him?

In practice, the same as with the one that measures the temperature of the water when bathing a child, that is, by immersion in liquid. We immerse a thermometer in the wine and watch the red strip creeping upward. Manufacturers also create thermometers with an electronic display or without immersion in liquid. The latter are attached to the bottle.

How is it useful?

Wine should be served at such a temperature that our taste buds can fully experience all the subtleties of the bouquet. Therefore, the wine should be neither too warm nor too cold. For each type of wine, its own temperature is optimal, which is often indicated on the label. A wine thermometer will allow you to determine whether the temperature of the drink served to the table corresponds to the recommended indicators.


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