Kiwi: its properties and health benefits

By | November 30, 2019

Kiwi: its properties and health benefits

Kiwi, from China, has become indispensable in greengrocers. With a characteristic flavor, kiwi has numerous properties that provide great health benefits

Kiwi is a berry from China that was introduced in the 70s in the world market. With a characteristic and powerful flavor, the kiwi keeps some benefits and unknown properties for a large part of its consumers.


Fruit full of properties

The main contribution of the kiwi is vitamin C. The consumption of a single piece provides, according to Ana Molina Jiménez, licensed in Pharmacy and dietitian and nutritionist in AM Integral Nutrition, 116% of the recommended daily amount, so with a single kiwi you get the 100% necessary.

In addition, kiwi contains remarkable amounts of vitamin K, potassium, folic acid, and fiber, which lists the specialist.

The nutritionist recommends taking the whole and non-liquefied kiwi, because doing so “you lose some of its properties”, such as fiber. Therefore, it points out how important it is to consume the whole berry so as not to lose any of the benefits it brings to health.

It’s benefits

1. Maintains a good intestinal transit

Kiwi has a moderate amount of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. The first softens the stool and the second accelerates the passage of food through the intestine, in addition to adding volume to the stool. The combination of both helps to maintain good intestinal transit and avoid constipation.

Regarding the myth of taking a fasting kiwi to go to the bathroom, it is not true. According to Ana Molina, not taking the fasting kiwi will speed up the digestive process, although eating fruit with fiber does affect positively, whatever the time.

2. The immune system

Kiwi, due to its high level of vitamin C, is a fantastic food to keep the immune system strong, especially for those who have left an operation or are convalescing. Thus, the expert recalls that adequate nutrition is more important during convalescence than during illness.

3. The skin

The vitamin C that kiwi contains is also involved in the healing processes and, together with its antioxidants, help to “dampen the aging process”, both internally and externally, of the skin, says the specialist.

4. Involved in coagulation processes

Only 100 grams of kiwi (one medium) provides half of the recommended daily amount of vitamin K, a vitamin that is involved in the activation of clotting factors. In addition to this function, vitamin K also helps keep bones healthy and strong, says Ana Molina.

5. A source of folic acid

The kiwi provides a considerable amount of folic acid that, together with serotonin, it has been shown that the consumption of two kiwis before sleep could improve the regulation and quality of sleep, although the specialist emphasizes that more studies are needed to demonstrate the Total veracity of this benefit.

Molina also highlights the importance of folic acid during pregnancy, because “it helps the fetus to develop in a healthy way,” he says and includes kiwi as a good food during the months of gestation.

6. Supplement for the athlete

Its potassium level makes the kiwi an ideal fruit for athletes, because like others, such as bananas, it favors both muscle recovery after a workout or an effort, as well as the proper functioning of the muscles.

Good for everyone

Both fruits and vegetables are always recommended for all types of consumers, and more when they have as many properties as kiwi, always varying and combining different types to achieve different benefits.

Despite this, its high level of vitamin K, involved in clotting factors, affects those who take anticoagulants such as Sintrom, so “patients taking this medication should monitor their consumption of foods rich in this vitamin such as kiwi. or green leafy vegetables, ”says Ana Molina. However, new generation oral anticoagulants do not have this restriction, he says.

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