2020, the year of nursing

By | February 9, 2020

2020, the year of nursing

The year that has just begun, 2020, has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the year of the nurse and the midwife, professionals who perform a daily work that is not always recognized and covers not only the healthcare field, also others, such as research or teaching

Cover of the first 2020 issue of “Optional Nursing”

Nursing professionals want 2020 to be “a real revolution”, with actions aimed at bringing the population “the most important” work they do, as the president of the General Nursing Council, Florentino Pérez Raya, assures Efe.

In fact, from the Council, they have developed a calendar of political actions to review the great themes of the profession such as “eradicate slavery” of temporary contracts and improve working conditions, in addition to the recognition of levels in the professional category just like the rest of degrees or the improvement of professional ratios.

Efe has spoken with different nursing professionals and offers a global and overall vision about 2020 in relation to this specialty in the world of health and health.

Value the contribution of the profession

From the nursing union Satie, María Labrador, attached to the General Secretariat of the Organization, affirms to Efe that for the year that has just begun they have, among their specific objectives, to value the work carried out by the nursing professionals day by day and the incidence of their actions.

“Empower ourselves as professionals and create a professional movement that is visible, influential and remains in time,” says Labrador, who points out that it will be a year to highlight the contribution of nurses and midwives in the development, productivity, and happiness of citizens, not only in the health field but in all levels of society.

And it is that nursing professionals also develop their competencies at the teaching, management, and research-level among other areas, as some of the detail to Efe.

2020 the year of nursing

Research Profile

Photo of the campaign “Your nurse leaves a mark” of the General Nursing Council
Teresa Moreno-Casbah is one of the nurses who is dedicated to research. She is the director of the Health Care and Services Research Unit of the Carlos III Health Institute (Investén-ISCIII), which she promoted more than 20 years ago.

He acknowledges that he is a branch that until not long ago was “very unusual” and although there are more and more research nurses, he emphasizes that more is needed. Its unit is aimed at promoting, coordinating and ensuring that knowledge is generated in the field of health care and services.

“In other areas it is different but in ours, it seems so investigative that it generates knowledge like me, that nurses who are at the bedside who are reading what I publish and are applying it to the patient,” he says.

Nurse and Politician

Nurses have also come to occupy positions of responsibility in politics, as is the case of the Balearic Health Minister, Patricia Gómez, who says that it is a “special” profession, which although she did not have it as the first option when she had to decide what to study – the first was veterinary – allows to adapt to many scenarios.

She often says that when a patient puts a nurse in her life, health improves, therefore, she adds, “you have to put more nurses in the lives of citizens.” He does not believe that the profession is undervalued, although he does admit that “there are some stereotypes that we have not been able to remove.”

Gómez, 2020 should serve to do a “great job within the profession” and open the range of possibilities to professionals so that they occupy strategic positions and have greater visibility.

Nursing from the classroom

Eva García is the director of the Nursing Department of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid. He always worked in Critics Units and has always liked teaching, so there was a moment in his career in which he wanted contact with students who wanted to be nurses and nurses.

He does not believe that the students of this profession have to have different characteristics from those of the rest, but he thinks that “perhaps” what makes the difference is that since the second year they have to practice and face illness and death.

He does not consider nursing to be undervalued but he does affirm that academic development is unknown: a four-year career plus a master’s degree or a specialty.

A profession with more and more men

Nursing is a mostly female profession, but there are more and more men. Luciano Rodríguez is a midwife at the University Hospital of Ceuta. He is one of the creators of a pictogram system, exported to other countries, with which it is possible to communicate with patients in a basic way even if they do not speak the same language.

He emphasizes that the best thing about his profession is “the compensation you get from people, the illusion of being able to contribute to the birth of a life and that this family feels happy with your work.”

In his opinion, the profession is more valued than before and he, as a doctor in nursing, argues that the group has to move forward and reach the maximum because “it has a lot of strength.”

From a military nurse to getting into an ambulance

Image of the “Nurse in the word” campaign / Facilitated by the General Nursing Council
Alberto Luque was a military nurse for 16 years, he even spent seven months in a mobile campaign uvi in ​​the Balkan postwar period. That experience stung the ambulance bug and a decade ago the opposition for the Emergency, Emergency, and Sanitary Transportation service in Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real) was removed.

My work is beautiful because despite the fact that we live a lot of pain and suffering there are many times that more than compensate; when you see that the monitor marks the flat line of death and suddenly the heart begins to beat, there everything makes sense and the penalties are mitigated, explains Luque, who has also written three books.

The Journal of the Nursing Organization

In its first issue of the year, the magazine “Optional Nursing” includes in its cover the headline “2020: Year of the nurses and midwives”, with various articles and approaches that coincide in the “exciting challenge” that represents the year that ends to start

A 2019 campaign

Within the framework of the International Nurses Day, commemorated on May 12, the General Nursing Council launched a campaign to make visible its work and the relationship with patients,

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