How can you cook delicious bream dishes?

How can you cook delicious bream dishes?

Bream is a common river fish that can be prepared deliciously and simply. Choose any recipe and delight yourself and your family or guests with an appetizing dish!

How to cook bream?

Bream is a river fish, therefore it has several features. The first is a large number of bones, which makes it difficult to separate the fillets, and therefore the carcasses are usually left whole or cut into portioned steaks. The second feature is the smell characteristic of the inhabitants of fresh water bodies. But it can be removed if you first wash the fish very thoroughly (you can use salt), and then sprinkle it with lemon juice, which neutralizes the unpleasant “aroma”. Now you can go directly to cooking, and several options are considered below.

Option one

You can very tasty bake bream with garlic sauce in the oven. And this will require this:

  • 4-5 chilled carcasses of bream;
  • two heads of onions;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • a third of a glass of sour cream 20-25% fat;
  • four tablespoons full of wheat flour;
  • a third of a glass of mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper (preferably black or a mixture of several types);
  • four tablespoons of regular sunflower or olive oil.

Process description:

  1. First you need to prepare the carcasses. They are scaled and gutted, and their fins, heads, and tails are completely cut off. Next, cut the bream into small steaks.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan, take pieces of fish one by one, sprinkle with pepper and salt, roll in flour and fry until light golden on all sides.
  3. Prepare the garlic sauce. Chop the garlic in any way, turning it into a mushy mass. In a bowl, combine mayonnaise with sour cream and garlic gruel, add a little salt.
  4. Peel and scald the onion with boiling water, then cut into half rings of small thickness and lightly fry in oil (you can use the same one in which the bream was fried).
  5. Now start shaping the dish. Grease the mold with plenty of oil, put the bream steaks in it, put the onion on top and pour the garlic sauce over it all.
  6. Send the baking sheet to an oven preheated to 180 degrees for forty minutes.

Option two

If you do not know how to cook bream dishes, then fry this fish. The set of ingredients is minimal:

  • 1.5 kilograms of bream;
  • boning flour;
  • frying oil;
  • salt and any spices for fish.

Cooking is also extremely simple:

  1. Cut the bream, gut it, clean it from the scales and free it from the tail and the head with fins.
  2. Next, try to free the carcass as much as possible from the bones so that a tender fillet remains. Cut the bream across into slices about 1.5-2 centimeters thick.
  3. Roll each portion in flour mixed with spices.
  4. Next, fry the bream in a skillet with oil until golden brown, and then simmer a little under the lid until tender. That’s it, fried bream can be served!

Option three

If the bream is large, you can bake it whole and surprise the guests by putting such a dish on the table. You will need:

  • one large bream;
  • vegetable oil;
  • basil;
  • half a lemon;
  • salt.

And the fish is prepared like this:

  1. You need to gut the carcass, clean it completely. You don’t have to cut off the head and tail, they will not interfere, but be sure to remove all the insides.
  2. Now sprinkle the bream with lemon juice on all sides, inside and out. Leave to lie down for about twenty minutes.
  3. Make transverse or diagonal not very deep cuts on the fish, and then place basil sprigs in them. It remains to rub the carcass with salt and grease well with oil so that the skin does not burn.
  4. Finally, wrap the bream in foil or place in your sleeve.
  5. The fish will be baked at 180 degrees for about 40-60 minutes, depending on the size.

Option four

Try stewing bream with vegetables to get both the main fish dish and the accompanying side dish. List of required products:

  • medium-sized bream carcass;
  • large carrot;
  • one large head of a turnip or a pair of small ones;
  • a glass of not the most fatty cream;
  • 1 eggplant;
  • 30-40 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • half a lemon;
  • dill greens;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • ground pepper or special seasoning for fish;
  • salt.

The recipe is as follows:

  1. First, the fish is completely cleansed, freed from scales and a head with a tail. Now you need to cut the carcass into pieces of medium size.
  2. Next, sprinkle the chopped bream with squeezed lemon juice, rub with salt and seasoning or pepper and place in any pickling container for a couple of hours.
  3. While the fish is marinating, do the vegetables. After peeling, you need to cut the onion either in half rings or in small cubes. Carrots are washed and preferably rubbed, although slicing is possible. Eggplant is cut into strips or small cubes.
  4. Oil is heated in a frying pan, and carrots and onions are first sautéed on it. Then add the eggplant and fry everything together until golden and soft.
  5. Pour cream into a skillet with fried vegetables, add bay leaf and a little salt. When the mixture is brought to a boil, put the pieces of bream that have been well marinated into it.
  6. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer all the ingredients over low heat for twenty-five or thirty minutes.
  7. Chop the washed dill, add it to the dish, and after five minutes remove the frying pan from the stove. It turns out very tasty!

Little tricks

Finally, a few tricks that will help both a beginner and an experienced housewife cook bream at home, if not ideal, then incredibly tasty and without unnecessary hassle:

  • To ensure that the bream steaks are evenly fried, do not make them overly thick. The optimal thickness is no more than three centimeters. Otherwise, the pieces may burn on the outside, but remain damp on the inside.
  • To completely remove the seemingly unpleasant smell of river mud, you can not just sprinkle the carcass with lemon juice, but soak it in a lemon solution. Add juice squeezed from one citrus to a liter of water. Submerge bream here for at least an hour. By the way, this technique will not only improve the flavor, but also soften the fish, making it more tender.
  • When cooking, you can lay seasonings or herbs in the abdomen, and then all the pulp from the inside will be filled with aromas and soaked.
  • To prevent the bream from sticking to the skin during cooking, first, put it in a hot skillet or place it in a well-heated oven. Secondly, it is recommended to lubricate the surface with oil, and quite abundantly.

Bream is an inexpensive and readily available fish. But this does not mean that it cannot become the basis of a culinary masterpiece. Choose the recipe you like and cook a truly delicious dish that everyone will appreciate!


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