How should you prepare your hair for a seaside vacation?

How should you prepare your hair for a seaside vacation?

An unforgettable and long-awaited vacation awaits you, and you are already ready to plunge into this whirlpool of emotions and events. But stop for a moment, and remember that you need to look attractive on vacation.

But the sun, wind and salt water do not have the best effect on hair – one of the main adornments of a woman. That is why we have prepared for you some important tips to help you prepare for such challenges and be stunning.

Fully armed

It is advisable to start preparing your curls two weeks before the vacation. And here are the points worth following:

Visit a hairdresser

In order for him to cut the split ends and the overdried part of the curls. The reason is simple – the influence of high temperature and sea water will first of all become noticeable in this part. And you don’t want your hair to look like a washcloth.

Color in advance

Ideally, 2-3 weeks. So the paint will have time to soak the entire structure of the curls, will not quickly wash off and fade in the sun. And the strands will have time to recover after exposure to chemicals.

Remember to moisturize and nourish

This point is important not only on the eve of the upcoming vacation, but also in everyday life. A beautiful styling and hairstyle can only work if your strands get enough moisture and protein.

Therefore, be sure to include moisturizers and protein-containing products in your care. You can also go through a reconstruction procedure, during which the curls are saturated with hyaluronic acid.

Masks with oils that can create a thin protective film will not be superfluous.

Give up complicated hairstyles

Tightly braided braids, buns and other elaborate hairstyles are not the best option for curls in the summer. Your task is to give them the opportunity to be as free as possible. Therefore, it is better to stock up on headbands and headbands, and enjoy the naturalness.

Minimize the use of styling products

And we are talking not only about cosmetic products, but also about a hairdryer, curling iron and ironing. They dry a lot, making the strands dull, and often damage them.

If you cannot do without them, try to regulate the temperature of the devices to a lower side.

It is also important to continue with proper grooming during rest. If you don’t want to take cosmetics with you, then you can turn to simple recipes for masks for every day, consisting of kefir (or yogurt without additives) and the pulp of any fruit.

Various oils can also be easily purchased at sea. They will be an excellent aromatherapy comb. Just apply a few drops to the comb and gently work the entire length.

Don’t forget about hats, which will not only save you from sunstroke, but also prevent direct UV rays from depleting your curls.

A vacation at the sea is undoubtedly a pleasure for you, but a heavy stress for your hair. And in order to minimize possible problems in the form of dryness, brittleness and lack of healthy shine, it is important to start preparing them for vacation in advance. Be beautiful!


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