Pros and cons of ems workouts

Pros and cons of ems workouts

A person’s constant striving for perfection and health of the body, the presence of a healthy mind in it, leads to the improvement of methods and simulators. The popularity of a new type of training, such as EMS training, or EMS fitness, is due to many positive aspects, including:

  • a significant reduction in the duration of the lesson;
  • harmlessness to health;
  • positive feedback from trainers and doctors.

The rapid spread of innovative methods in the world, its demand, despite the rather high cost of training, indicates the need for a more detailed acquaintance with the subject. What is the essence of EMS training, and why did Europeans and Asians like it so much?

Name and essence of the process

Deciphering the abbreviation in the name immediately gives an idea of ​​the methods of exposure to the body. Electric mio stimulation – muscle stimulation with electricity. In our imagination, a picture of complete inactivity arises, during which our body trains by itself, the figure loses weight, posture improves.

In reality, it is a workout that requires exercise under the guidance of a trainer. You come to class and:

  1. Put on disposable clothing, which is necessary for the process. The training takes place in a suit, which is necessary for fixing the electrodes.
  2. The trainer works in accordance with the training protocol, taking into account the established strength of the electrical impulses.
  3. The workout lasts about 30 minutes. All exercises are performed under the supervision of a trainer, safely and correctly.
  4. Each lesson ends with a five-minute rest, during which blood circulation and lymph drainage are improved using a special mode in an EMS suit.

What happens in our body? Many people know that muscles are activated by stimuli. They are triggered in the central nervous system, spinal cord and nerve fibers to be transmitted to muscles.

In their physical and natural nature, endogenous stimuli are similar to electrical stimuli, which is used in EMS trainers. The natural process in the body is enhanced under the influence of an external stimulus, which leads to a stronger and more qualitative muscle contraction.

The objectives of the methodology

What effect can be expected from the purposeful amplification of internal stimuli by an external electrical impulse? EMS fitness is effective:

  • to develop strength with endurance;
  • to increase the speed and growth of muscle mass;
  • for weight loss and body shaping;
  • for health improvement and rehabilitation;
  • for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and back.

More and more doctors say about the safety of occupations for health, due to the reduction of the load on the spine and joints. Muscles contract without lifting a lot of weight, and simulators help to involve up to 93% of the muscular system in the training process in one half-hour workout, which is equal in intensity to a five-hour classic training.

I must say that deep-seated muscles also participate in the work, which will be of interest to professional athletes, and the ability to change the algorithm of the simulator makes it a universal tool for broad masses, regardless of the level of physical fitness.

Positive and negative sides

Like any new technique, EMS training is widely discussed by those who are not indifferent to their own health, and who study and practice new modern approaches to building an ideal body and improving the body, identifying the pros and cons, evaluating the results.

The undoubted positive aspects of this modern training process include:

  1. Saving time. It does not last long, and the effect is like a full-fledged classic workout in a few hours.
  2. Versatility. In accordance with the capabilities and goals, the exercises are selected for athletes and beginner athletes, for young people and people of age.
  3. Comprehensive impact. Electrical impulses reach the deep layers of muscles and muscles, forcing them to work.
  4. Minimal stress on the spine and joints. EMS fitness helps to improve health in the presence of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, it helps with weakening of functions.
  5. No sportswear needed for training. A special costume is provided.
  6. Lack of pain after class. The technique allows you to accelerate tissue recovery and eliminate the pain syndrome inherent in conventional training.

There are no indications or contraindications. Any person who is not prohibited from physical activity is allowed to EMS training.

Low-frequency stimulation is not harmful to health, but it is worth visiting a doctor before starting classes for advice and guidance. There are time limits for training, which include:

  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased body temperature;
  • any skin rash;
  • postoperative period and wounds on the body.

Training simulators

There are two special EMS trainers that are offered for training in the world market. Miha Bodytec and xbody are similar in how they work. But European and our coaches prefer the first one as the most advanced one.

Launched by a German medical device company, it has been medically and scientifically tested. The simulator has undergone sports research, with the aim of using not only in sports, but also in rehabilitation activities.

Compared to the attractively designed xbody trainer, the Miha Bodytec excels in realizing its potential and is today a global market leader.

Overall, the idea of ​​EMS fitness is interesting and harmless. Someone is skeptical about this technique, someone admires it. But it is possible to evaluate a new type of training process only by independently testing the effectiveness of training.

Come to sports clubs, spend active free time with health benefits, and the result will certainly be if you really strive for it.


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