The best diets for men

The best diets for men

Do you think the fight against excess weight is exclusively the prerogative of women? But no. According to statistics, every third inhabitant of the Earth faces such a problem, and among this number there are a large number of men. The reasons for this may be different, but the conclusion is one – you need to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. What diets for the stronger sex are the most effective, we will tell you further.

Down with the beer belly!

Many men believe that a beer belly that has appeared over the years of family life or a few dozen extra pounds from homemade, delicious food is a sign of family well-being and male maturity. But most women strongly disagree with this.

And if you notice that you have begun to update your beloved’s wardrobe more often than before, due to the fact that things have become small, this is a sign that it is time to take the situation into your own hands. Although men are distinguished by special willpower, they can rarely deny themselves the pleasure of eating tasty food.

Only few of the stronger sex will agree to adhere to strict diets, and not because it is difficult, but because it is not a man’s business. And if you want the situation to get off the ground, you need to abandon traditional weight loss systems and start a gradual struggle with extra pounds.

The main rule is to stick to a variety of foods and dishes, otherwise very soon your loved one will start to get bored with food, and he will secretly look for something more edible than what you are offering. In addition, if women can safely eat foods allowed by the diet, while the rest of the family enjoy fried ribs, then the stronger sex in this situation will very soon begin to feel deprived.

Here’s a list of the best options for your man:

“Traffic light”. The essence of this diet is in the conditional division of foods into three colors:

  • “Red” includes prohibited products – fast food, yeast baked goods, sugar, milk, alcohol, confectionery, sauces and mayonnaise, fatty meats, smoked meats;
  • “Yellow” – whole-grain pasta, porridge (everything except semolina), puff pastry, low-fat cottage cheese, fruits and dried fruits, coffee, dry wine, lean meat. All these products can be consumed, but the extreme point is 18.00;
  • “Green” – low-fat kefir, yogurt, buckwheat, seafood, cucumbers, lettuce, carrots can be consumed at any time.

Such a balanced and varied diet will help make the process of losing weight less problematic and psychologically painless. The proposed products can be heat treated – boiled, stewed or baked, but not fried.

With the help of “Traffic light” you can lose up to 5 kg per month, almost without noticing the restriction in food.

ABS. It is based on 11 products. In the daily diet, two must be present, and they are constantly changing. This list includes: nuts (any kind, but not salted), legumes, greens and green vegetables (can be supplemented with red and orange vegetables), low-fat dairy products, poultry, cereals (oat, corn, buckwheat ), eggs, whole grain bread, extra virgin olive oil, unsweetened fruits and berries, protein powder.

The latter can be purchased at sports nutrition stores, but if your man is not too fond of constant physical training, then it may well be replaced with foods rich in protein.

Vegetable… Of all the diets presented, this is the strictest. There is no meat or dairy products, but a lot of vegetables and fruits. The quantity is not too limited, but it is worth adhering to some nutritional rules:

Day 1: vegetable. A third of the vegetables you eat should be raw, the rest can be cooked. But you need to eat them in their pure form, without any dressing and adding salt.

Day 2: unsweetened fruits – green apples, oranges, grapefruits, kiwi.

Day 3: berries of the same variety.

Day 4: Divide 1.5 low-fat kefir and 200 grams of cottage cheese into several meals.

Day 5: repeat the first.

Day 6: berries and a glass of kefir.

Day 7: juice from fresh vegetables and fruits.

At the same time, do not forget about a sufficient amount of liquid.

As you can see, the most optimal option to tackle the restructuring of your man’s diet is gradual. This will help build a habit, and you will see results soon. And if you join this process, then the need to lose weight will not be stressful for a man.


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