How much fat does a person need per day?

How much fat does a person need per day?

We all know perfectly well that in order for the body to work properly, and for us to feel good, we need to eat well. Among the vital substances are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

But since recently humanity has become especially concerned about the problem of excess weight, around the world among those who dream of losing extra pounds, a kind of campaign has begun to destroy fats. And this, as practice shows, is fraught with serious health consequences. That is why we decided to find out what role they play in our body, and what are the rates of their consumption.

An important component

Let’s say right away that human existence is impossible without fat. Therefore, to abandon it completely means to condemn yourself to a slow death. So what is this element for?

  1. Energy. Fat is one of the main sources of energy. They provide twice as many calories as proteins and carbohydrates, which means twice as much energy. Receiving useful substances, the body first consumes the supply of carbohydrates, and when it dries up, the supply of fats comes to the rescue. In its absence, destructive processes begin in the body.
  2. Assimilation of vitamins. Vitamins A, C, E and K are not assimilated by the body in their pure form, since they are fat-soluble, and we need them every day. And to get the most out of them, you need lipids.

For example, pure beta-carotene from carrots is absorbed by less than 20%, and if you add a small amount of vegetable oil to carrots, the figure will increase to 60-90%.

  • Protection of internal organs. If this element were completely absent in our body, the consequences of even the smallest injuries would be much more serious. This is because it creates a special film that reliably protects and supports the internal organs.
  • Controlling hunger. Fats are digested for much longer, remaining in the stomach, thereby providing a feeling of fullness. This is why even the toughest diet should include a small amount of fat so that you can control hunger and do not constantly grab onto snacks.
  • Sense of taste. To enjoy the real taste of food, we need lipids, it is they that allow us to feel the structure of foods and their composition. So it’s no surprise that fried and fatty foods always taste better.

The right balance

In order to determine the amount of lipids that a person should consume per day, it is necessary to know his weight. Depending on this, you can calculate the rate, the boundaries of which are within 0.7 – 2 g per 1 kg of mass.

Normal weight

If the weight is normal, then on average this indicator will be around 1 g / kg. Thus, with a mass of 60 kg, the daily intake of fat for a person will be 60 g.

Overweight naturally entails a decrease in this indicator to 0.7-0.8 g / kg.

But there are two important points to consider:

  1. The maximum amount of lipids consumed per day should not exceed 70 g (even if your weight is 80 kg, then 70 g will be enough for the normal functioning of the body).
  2. In order not to be surprised by sagging sides and an increase in the parameters of the waist and hips after a while, it is worth eating foods with the correct balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

For those who are losing weight

When losing weight, the amount of lipids must be reduced. On average, it should be 40-50 g per day, but again it depends on body weight and physical activity. It is worth taking into account the fact that people with average weight (55-58 kg) are not recommended to consume less than 30 g of fat.

Separation by gender

This case also has its own peculiarities. So, for men, the daily dose ranges from 4-18% of body weight. And for women, the indicators are slightly higher, at 18-28%.

Where to find them?

Liquid oils are the main sources of lipids, but healthy fats can also be found in other foods:

  • nuts;
  • chocolate;
  • pork;
  • milk;
  • butter.

Those who are struggling with obesity need to reduce their intake of animal fats, but not give them up altogether, since cholesterol, which is part of them, is an important component for the synthesis of hormones.

There are several simple ways to reduce the consumption of “harmful” lipids for the body, which contribute to excess weight:

  • give up fried dishes in oil and give preference to baked in the oven;
  • remove fat layers from meat during cutting and skin from poultry;
  • forget about fast food, sausages and smoked products.

Our body is a very complex mechanism. But nature arranged everything in such a way that in case of any problems we could recognize its signals. Listen to yourself, and remember, as a tree needs constant fertilization and watering, and a person needs a sufficient amount of nutrients. Be healthy!


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